The Statute


Art. 1 NAME

The association called "International Center of Monastic Studies - Philosophy, Science and Life" is established in compliance with the civil code and L 383/2000



The association has its registered office in the province of Udine in Cividale del Friuli, in via Firmano n ° 16, it is not for profit, its duration is unlimited. Any profits cannot be shared even indirectly.

The transfer of the registered office does not involve a change in the articles of association.



The purpose of the association is:

- Promote historical, archaeological, artistic, environmental, architectural and demoanthropological studies and research both in national and international territory

- promote and create, also on behalf of third parties, educational paths, permanent or itinerant exhibitions of a historical, archaeological, artistic, environmental, architectural and demo-anthropological nature both in national and international territory

- to promote and create publications, including multimedia on computer support of a historical, archaeological, artistic, environmental, architectural and demoanthropological nature both nationally and internationally

- promote classical culture in all its forms;

- promote and implement, including on behalf of third parties, the inventory and cataloging of environmental, historical, artistic, architectural and documentary assets;

- promote, create and manage, also on behalf of third parties, databases aimed at the above points:

- promote and participate in regional, national and European projects aimed at the above points

The activities of the association and its aims are inspired by the principles of equal opportunities between men and women and respectful of the inviolable rights of the person.



All those who accept the articles of the Statute and the internal regulations, who share the aims of the association and undertake to dedicate a part of their time to achieve them, are admitted to join the Association.

The competent body to deliberate on the applications for admission of aspiring members is the Board of Directors with final judgment.

The admission to the Association is deliberated by the Board of Directors upon written request of the applicant in which he must specify his complete personal details. According to the provisions of Law 675/97 and subsequent amendments, all personal data collected will be subject to confidentiality and used for the sole purposes of the Association with the prior written consent of the member.

Upon admission, the member undertakes to pay the registration fee and the annual membership fee to the extent established by the Board of Directors and approved in the budget by the Ordinary Assembly, in compliance with the Statute and the regulations issued.

The membership fee is non-transferable.

Shareholders are required to pay the membership fee within 10 days of registration in the shareholders' register.

The amount of the registration fee is made up of the amount established by the Governing Council, increased annually by the percentage of depreciation on an annual basis established by ISTAT.

The amount of the annual membership fee is established by the Assembly during the approval of the budget on the proposal of the Governing Council.


There are three categories of members:

- Founding members: those who took part in the establishment of the association, have the right to vote, are eligible for corporate offices, their status as members is of perpetuity, is not subject to annual membership, but only to the payment of the membership fee .

- Effective members: those who have applied for and obtained the status of member of the Board of Directors. They have the right to vote and are eligible for corporate offices. Their status as effective members is subject to registration and payment of the membership fee. The number of effective members is unlimited.

- Honorary members: those who have particularly distinguished themselves in study and research activities in the areas specified in the corporate purpose on the proposal of the Governing Council.


The activities carried out by the members in favor of the association and for the achievement of the social goals are carried out mainly as a voluntary service and totally free. The association may, in case of particular need, hire employees or make use of self-employment services, also by resorting to its members.



The members adhering to the association have the right to elect the corporate bodies and to be elected in them. All members have the information and control rights established by the laws and by this Statute; they have the right of access to the documents, resolutions, budgets, reports and registers of the association. All members have the right to vote as long as they are up to date with the payment of the membership fee. The founding members have the right to cancel the proposals that are in contrast with the inspiring principles of the Center.



The members will carry out their activities in the association in a personal, voluntary and free non-profit way, according to the declared personal needs and availability.

The behavior of the member towards the other members and outside the association must be animated by a spirit of solidarity and implemented with correctness, good faith, honesty, probity and moral rigor, in compliance with this Statute and the programmatic guidelines issued.



The member can withdraw from the association by written communication to be sent to the President of the Governing Council. The withdrawal takes effect from the closing date of the financial year in which it was exercised.

The member can be excluded from the association in case of non-fulfillment of the duties provided for by art. 6 or for other serious reasons that have caused moral and / or material damage to the association itself.

The exclusion of the member is decided by the Board of Directors. It must be communicated by letter to the same, together with the reasons that gave rise to the exclusion and ratified by the Shareholders' Meeting in the first useful meeting.

Withdrawn and / or excluded members who have ceased to belong to the association, cannot request the return of the contributions paid, nor do they have any right to the association's assets.



The bodies of the association are:

- The shareholders' meeting;

- The Governing Council;

- President

All corporate offices are assumed and absolved totally free of charge.



The Assembly is the sovereign body of the association. The Assembly of members is made up of the founding and effective members, it is convened at least once a year by the president of the association or by whoever takes his place, through:

- written notice to be sent by simple letter to the members, at least 7 days before the date set for the meeting;

- notice posted on the premises of the Headquarters at least 15 days before.

The Shareholders' Meeting is convened by the President at least once a year and is chaired by the President himself or by his delegate appointed from among the members of the Governing Council.

It must also be convened:

- when the Governing Council deems it necessary

- when at least one tenth of the shareholders request it.

The convocation notices must contain the agenda of the work and the location where the meeting is held.

The Assembly can be ordinary and extraordinary. The Assembly convened to modify the Statute or to decide the transfer of the registered office or the dissolution of the association is extraordinary. It is ordinary in all other cases.

The Ordinary Assembly is valid on first call if the majority of members with voting rights are present; in second call, to be held also on the same day, whatever the number of those present.

The Ordinary Assembly:

- elect the Governing Council

- proposes initiatives indicating organizational methods and supports

- approves the final and annual budget and the report prepared by the Governing Council

- annually fixes the amount of the membership fee and ratifies the exclusions of members approved by the Board of Directors

- appoints the honorary members on the proposal of the Governing Council

- approves the association's annual program

- approves the Internal Regulations with the majorities envisaged by the Statute


The resolutions of the ordinary Assembly are taken by majority vote of those present and represented by proxy; they are expressed with an open vote, except those on problems concerning people and the quality of people or when the Assembly deems it appropriate. Each shareholder has the right to cast only one vote and may present only one proxy to replace a non-director shareholder.

The discussions and resolutions of the ordinary and extraordinary Shareholders 'Meeting are summarized in a report that is drawn up by the secretary or by a specially appointed member of the Shareholders' Meeting. The minutes are signed by the President and the secretary is transcribed in a special register, kept by the President at the headquarters of the association.

Each shareholder has the right to consult the minutes of the meetings and ask for a copy at his own expense.

The Extraordinary Assembly

approves any amendments to the Statute with the presence of 2/3 of the shareholders and with a deliberate decision by a majority of those present;

dissolves the association and devolves its assets with the favorable vote of 3/4 of the members in the first call and in the second which will be convened at least five days from the first with the favorable vote of those present.

All registered members have the right to participate in meetings, to vote and to be elected, provided they are up to date with the payment of the fee.



The association is administered by a board of directors elected by the Assembly and made up of three to five members.

The convocation of the Governing Council is decided by the President or requested and automatically convened by three members of the Governing Council itself.

Resolutions must have the vote of the absolute majority of those present, in the event of a tie, the vote of the President prevails.

The Governing Council:

1. performs all acts of ordinary and extraordinary administration

2. draws up and presents to the Assembly the annual report on the association's activities

3. draws up and presents to the Assembly the final and estimated budget and the economic report

4. draws up and submits the Internal Regulations to the Assembly

5. admits new members

6. excludes members unless subsequently ratified by the Assembly pursuant to article 7 of this statute.

The meetings of the Governing Council are legally constituted when the majority of its members is present.

At least the following figures are envisaged within the Governing Council: the President, the Vice President, the Secretary and the Treasurer (elected within the Governing Council itself). If the Governing Council deems it useful, the Secretary and the Treasurer can be the same person. The Governing Council remains in office for five years and the offices can be re-elected.



The President has the legal representation of the Association, chairs the Board of Directors and the Assembly.

He represents the association before the authorities and is its official spokesperson.

Convokes the Shareholders' Meeting and the Board of Directors both in the case of ordinary and extraordinary convocations.

It has social funds with provisions countersigned by the treasurer.



The financial means for the functioning of the association come from:

- from the registration fees and the annual membership fees paid by the members to the extent decided annually by the Governing Council and ratified by the Assembly;

- from contributions, donations, bequests in cash or in kind from persons and / or entities whose purposes are not in contrast with the social aims

- from promotional initiatives

The Governing Council may refuse any donation that is intended to influence the association in any way.

Any means that is not in contrast with the internal regulations and with the laws of the Italian State can be used to support and support the funding of the association and enrich its assets.



The budgets are prepared by the Governing Council and approved by the Assembly.

The final balance is approved by the ordinary general meeting with an open vote or with the majorities provided for by the Statute.

The Assembly for the approval of the final balance must be held by 30 April of the year following the end of the financial year.

The final balance is deposited at the headquarters of the association, and in the various sections, at least 20 days before the Assembly and can be consulted by each member.

The budget is approved by the Ordinary General Assembly with an open vote or with the majorities provided for by the Statute.

The budget is deposited at the headquarters of the association, at least 20 days before the Assembly and can be consulted by each member.



This statute can be modified on first call with the presence of two thirds of the members of the association and with the favorable vote of the majority of those present, in second with the favorable vote of the majority of those present. Any modification or addition cannot be in contrast with the corporate purposes, with the internal regulations and with the Italian law, ratification before the notary, if necessary, takes place with the sole signature of the President.



In order to resolve the dissolution of the association and the devolution of the assets, the favorable vote of at least three quarters of the members convened in an extraordinary assembly is required.

The Assembly that deliberates the dissolution of the association appoints one or more liquidators and decides on the destination of the assets remaining from the liquidation itself.
The devolution of the assets will be carried out for public utility purposes in favor of social promotion associations with similar purposes.



For all that is not expressly provided for, the provisions contained in the civil code and in the laws in force on the subject apply.